1995 The Interaction’95 Gifu Ogaki

Première exposition à l’occasion de la fondation de
IAMAS,Gifu Ogaki, Japon

The Interaction’95

Commemorating the opening of the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS)


With signs of an emerging information age culture in the air, Interaction ’95 celebrates the opening of the Gifu Prefectural International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences, an institution for the multimedia age, next spring in Ogaki.

Interaction ’95 is your opportunity to participate directly in and experience the works of interactive artists from throughout the world.

Why commemorate the opening of the Academy with an interactive art show?

The multimedia concept encompasses many definitions and interpretations. In its broadest sense, it stands for the creation of a human culture bringing together the fine arts and other cultural genres. In a narrower sense, it refers to the vast field of applications that appeal to the five senses through the use of digital electronic media, including computers, to integrate various images, sound and text. The aim of the Academy is to fuse these two interpretations and to provide the training that creators of works of high cultural value will need.

In holding this exhibition, we would like to express our sincerest thanks to the participation of the artists and the following individuals and institutions for their kind cooperation.

Jeffrey Shaw
Agnes Hegedus
Michael Naimark
Luc Courchesne
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
Jean-Louis Boissier
Ed Tannenbaum
David Rokeby
Jim Campbell
Toshio Iwai

Planning and Direction:
Itsuo Sakane

Gifu Prefecture Government IAMAS Project Planning Office, Masaki Fujihata, Atsuhito Sekiguchi, Yayoi Wakabayashi
Graphics: Yasuhito Nagahara

Thanks to Atsuko Koishi, Kiyotane Hayashi, NTT/ ICC Display: Nippon Event Planning Co.,Ltd.
Supported by
Sony Co.,Ltd. Nihon Silicon Graphics KK. Apple Computer Inc.

Création de l’installation Mutatis mutandis, 1995.


Mutatis mutandis is an interactive computerised installation. It’s hypermedia project realised from digitalized video images and sounds. It addresses issues concerning poetry and philosophy, and explores the language of interactivity in the making. The title is a Latin expression, used in French as well as English that means « changing what have to be changed » (or « that which should be changed has been changed »). This sentence underlines a paradox: in order to make a comparison one must ignore the part of the differences that isn’t directly concerned by the comparison. The screen features a duo of images in the form of a diptych situated either in the upper half or the lower half of the scree. These images present a movement of transformation and thus display two different states of the same thing. By moving the arrow on the screen from one image to another this transformation is reproduced by the animation of the images, whereas by placing the arrow outside of the images a new diptych is displayed. The subject matter of these images is on the one hand singular – because it has been filmed in specific sites with specific circumstances – and on the other hand banal in that is represents everyday life and nature. During the consultation no particular theme concerning the subject emerges, except perhaps that of its interior mutations.
Each gesture of the viewer that provokes and repeats a mutation also changes a code number that is displayed in the empty section of the screen that indicates which new diptych sequence that viewer can, at that moment, summon up. The code that corresponds to each sequence indicates its place in the classification. The viewer is thus invited to experience a double attitude: to discover and understand the logic of the typology of mutations; observe attentively, but at a distance, a mere fragment of the complex real, that is irreducible to all description or classification.
(Translated by Elizabeth Tesla)


